CRISIS LINE: 918-341-9400 | TOLL FREE: 1-888-372-9400 [email protected]

Resources & Referrals

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or technological actions or threats of actions or other patterns of coercive behavior that influence another person within an intimate partner relationship. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.


Safenet has several licensed counselors and victim advocates available in person and virtually to help survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in an individual or group setting. Our group counseling sessions feature psychoeducation to help individuals address persisting issues.

Court Advocacy

Our Court Advocates aid in filing protective orders, navigating the justice system, safety planning, emotional support, and connecting to resources. Advocates are available in both Rogers and Mayes Counties.

24/7 Crisis Line

Our 24-hour Crisis Line is a hotline where victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Rogers and Mayes Counties can find immediate help, including safety planning, resource referral, and screening for the Safenet emergency shelter.

Case Management

Providing step-by-step interaction from the moment a client walks through the door. Our Case Manager helps clients connect with the necessary services and provides insight into the agency to each potential client. The case manager also provides financial empowerment and employment development to our clients. They assists with attaining legal documents, accessing employment and education, and connecting with community resources.

Emergency Shelter

The shelter is a haven for all individuals experiencing abuse. We will supply food, clothing, and other necessities. A minimum of a 30-day stay is offered to victims and their children, and we target a 120-day stay. Some still stay longer if their situation does not align with the 120-day schedule. Additionally, our staff collaborates with our residents to help break the abuse cycle and create healthy and self-sufficient futures. Clear and attainable goals are set, and support is supplied to help ensure success.

CLEET Training

In these trainings, we discuss steps in which law enforcement can prevent domestic violence homicide by completing lethality assessments, dominant aggressor assessments and self-defense determinations.We will also discuss what trauma looks like in victims of domestic violence and what happens to the brain during a traumatic event, different types of batterers, ways to identify them and what Safenet is doing to prevent further battering.

Batterers Intervention Program

The CHANGES program is a 52-week, *fee-based program that focuses on changing the behavior of the culprit of domestic abuse. CHANGES is a State Certified Batterers Intervention Program. This program educates perpetrators on non-destructive ways of communication to help break the cycle of abuse. This is one of two fee-based programs at Safenet.

Supervised Visitation

Dissension between a child’s custodians can influence the  welfare of children and youth. We offer *fee-based supervised visitation and supervised exchanges of children to help limit the stress and arguments between parties. Supervised visitation is free to Safenet clients who are in need of the service to facilitate a relationship with their children.

Volunteer Opportunities

Safenet offers many different volunteer opportunities. These volunteering opportunities can range from helping with general opporations, events, child care, cleaning, and even opportunities at one of our resale stores or helping with donations! All volunteers are required to pass a background check and complete our training beforehand.

Safenet Services, Inc.

Main Administrative Office

1219 W Dupont St, Claremore, OK 74017

(918) 341-1424