CRISIS LINE: 918-341-9400 | TOLL FREE: 1-888-372-9400 [email protected]

Wish List

As a non-profit, we are always in need of donations to keep our residents/clients as comfortable as possible. It is because kind people like YOU, we get to provide essitial items to those in need during a time of displacement.

Popular Items

“Laundry Stuff”

This includes, but is not limited to:

Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softener, Scent Boosters, Laundry Pods, Spray and Wash, Stain Remover, Dryer Sheets, Hangers, Wrinkle Release Spray, Laundry Baskets, Laundry Bags, etc.

Disinfectant & Other Cleaning Supplies

Feminine Products

A variation of sizes and brands for the following items:

Pads, Tampons, Panty Liners, Feminine Wipes, Menstrual Cups, Tylenol/Midol, etc.

Items for Outreach Programs

These items vary and can mostly be found on our Amazon Wish List

Other ways to donate!

Did you know we have a second-hand resale store?

If you have large quantities of household items/clothing, you can bring it to one of our Second Impressions locations.

It was surprising to me, because nobody has ever helped me like Safenet has.

— Past Shelter Resident

At Safenet, they were very kind and made the situation that we were going through feel less scary. We felt cared for and reassured it would get better.

— Past Shelter Resident

Safenet helped me get on WIC & SNAP. They even watched my boys when I had to go to appointments. Thank you for being so kind & loving to my boys & helping with items we needed.

— Past Shelter Resident

Safenet Services, Inc.

Main Administrative Office

1219 W Dupont St, Claremore, OK 74017

(918) 341-1424